Frequently Asked Questions


We understand that you might have questions and we pride ourselves on being 100% transparent, so ask away!

About Us

Where are you based?
We are headquartered in Melbourne, Australia.
What are your business hours?
We are generally available between Mondays to Fridays, 9 am to 5 pm. However, our hours are also flexible as we fully understand that the product design, development, and launch process can be unpredictable.
What if I'm not in Melbourne?
You’ll be glad to hear that distance and time differences are just minor inconveniences, and it’s nothing that a bit of modern technology can’t fix! Our clients come from all over Australia and we communicate via email, web chat, Skype conferences, telephone calls, and anything else that can help to effectively bridge that physical distance between us.
Do you only work with apparel designers?
One wonderful thing about our business is that we have the opportunity to work with creative minds of all kinds. Our clients’ products range from wigs to hair accessories, from baby bibs to children’s playmats, and from bedding to sleepwear. And much more! If it needs to be sewn, we can help.

For Designers

Do you work with designers who are completely new to the industry?
In short, YES. We were founded on the belief that every designer with a creative vision deserves a fair go at creating a successful product, and our team will guide you along the way. Our only condition is that you trust us, and be willing to learn from our experience and knowledge.
I have an idea; where do I start?
You already have! By coming to our website to find out more about our services, you have taken an important first step. Many new designers fall into the trap of DIY-ing everything from design to pre-production to production and end up learning expensive lessons the hard way. Now all you need to do is book an obligation-free consultation with Naomi, our founder, and discuss your ideas and vision with her. If you’d like to find out more about the details of our services and prices, click here.


Why do I need your services?
Well, you don’t NEED our services. What you DO need, is to be able to design your product lines with accuracy and technical specificity so that any manufacturer you select for assembly and production will be able to make your product correctly. There are many, MANY technical specificities that are unique to the garment manufacturing industry and that are crucial to the success of your label.


So if you are confident of all the systems and processes required to prepare your designs for production without incurring costly mistakes and wasting precious time, then you most certainly don’t need our services.

But if you want to do everything in your power to increase your likelihood of success, then Interconnected’s range of services will certainly come in handy.

What do I need to prepare before meeting you?
If you are contacting us for the first time to find out more about what we do and how we can help you, all we need is a basic idea of what you have in mind – your design idea, product concept, your reasons for embarking on this project, what you think you need help with, etc. This will allow us to evaluate the viability of your project and provide you with a more customised proposal and price quote.


For the initial discovery and roadmapping discussion session, the more information you can give us about your idea, the better. You might have simple drawings in a notebook (or even just a paper napkin from the bar where you had your brainstorm!), basic research on your closest competitors, ideas about who your ideal customers would be, etc. The more you can provide us with, the more we have to work with and the faster we can get going on your project.

P.S. it is always wise to come prepared with a full list of any questions you might have so you can maximise the time we have together in our sessions.

What if I don't need all of the services you provide? Can I pick and choose?
Yes! You can pick and choose which service(s) you require from our full suite of services, whether it’s just concept development, pattern & sample making, or pre-production planning. We’ll help you figure this out during our first discussion!


How important are your research services?

We conduct both offsite and online research for our clients’ brands. Offsite refers to any requested undertaking of time outside of the office to perform tasks pertaining to the development of a product. This could be going to retail stores to examine like products in order to replicate construction or fabric content.

Online research refers to each instance where a link is shared or information is being sought as part of developing a product. It must be viewed in order to contribute to the development of a product, style, size, costing, etc.

Both research methods are to be able to come to a conclusion for each product in the area of construction, size offering, recommended retail prices and what price points the market is willing to bear. This research is vital to the success or failure of a product.

Payments & Billing

How much does it cost to launch my product line?

To be honest, we can’t answer that question without knowing the specifics of what you have in mind to produce. And if any fashion house tells you otherwise, they are probably not being transparent and upfront with you. A simple line of baby blankets with 3 different designs and 1 standard size will most certainly cost less than a range of winter coats with 4 different design motifs in 5 different sizes.

All we can promise you is that our service fees are fair and reasonable and that we will always be upfront and open about our prices quoted, and about any additional costs that might be incurred as the project progresses.

Will I have to pay for the whole project upfront?

The short answer is: no. Usually, we will request for a down payment before work commences and the amount is generally 30% of the total price quoted. The remaining payment is payable in stages as specified in the service level agreement that we will prepare for you.

What if I can't make a payment as agreed?

We understand that cash flow is often a big issue for new businesses, especially startup labels that do not yet have a source of income they can rely on. To be fair to all parties involved, including our team members, we ask that you inform us as soon as possible when financial difficulties arise. We are problem-solvers at heart and would love to help you figure out possible solutions to your problems. Unfortunately, if progress payments are not made as agreed, we will be unable to continue working and cannot handover any materials, documents, patterns, or samples until payment is made.

Why Should I Choose Interconnected?


Why Should I Choose Interconnected?