Our Services


Interconnected offers a full suite of services that will take you from design to production, taking care of all the technical details so you can launch your product line with confidence

Product Design & Development

We’ll take the idea in your head or your loose sketches, and turn them into professional sketch sheets, technical drawings, and specification sheets. We’ll help you with research, problem-solve, and develop the product strategy for your concept.

Pattern Making

Accurate professional patterns are created to reflect sizing, fitting, and other details such as linings, seams, pockets, collars, layers, etc. Precise pattern pieces will be created with industry standard markings and labelling that will be easily interpreted by any factory that you choose to manufacture with.

Sample Making

We’ll sew the samples of your finished product, which is a full production quality sample that represents what the exact finished product will look like. This is where all your previous efforts come together to physically create the final product prior to full production.

Pre-Production Planning

Don’t skip this step if you want a smooth and error-free production experience. Along with an assembly sequence planning checklist, we’ll help you create a complete and detailed technical package for each of the designs in your product line. This represents the instruction manual with precise text and diagrams that specify how each item needs to be constructed.

Assembly & Production

Equipped with our own equipment and skilled machinists, we can also manage the assembly and production for your product line.  If production is with an external contractor or factory, we can act as your production manager. We’ll help you manage the pre-assembly planning, the arrival of textiles, cutting, sewing, and order fulfilment if required.

Business Coaching

A successful product launch depends on more than just a good product. We can guide you through all the minute details involved in running your business, launching your product, marketing your brand, managing your finances, and more.


Pricing Guide



This pricing guide was created to provide designers whom we work with, a point of reference. Our services are split into FIVE (5) different phases that are critical to the process of creating a truly successful line of product. This detailed pricing guide will provide an estimate of the cost of each of these phases along with its inclusions, taking you from design right up to pre-production.



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